
Restoring a Single File to a Previous State in Git

Restoring a Single File to a Previous State in Git

The Challenge

You need to revert one specific file to its state from a previous commit without affecting other files in your Git repository. How can you achieve this?

The Solution

To restore a file to its previous state, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Target Commit First, find the commit hash of the version you want to restore. Use:
   git log

Commit hashes look like this:


Note: You can use the first 7 characters (e.g., 070cc94) as a shorthand.

  1. Restore the File Use the git checkout command with the commit hash and file path:
   git checkout 070cc94 -- path/to/file.txt

This command:

  • Uses -- to separate the commit reference from the file path
  • Restores the specified file without changing your current branch
  1. Multiple Files (if needed) To restore multiple files from the same commit:
   git checkout 070cc94 -- file1.txt path/to/

Important Notes:

  • This action stages the restored file(s) for commit but doesn’t create a new commit.
  • To keep the changes, commit them:
  git commit -m "Restored file.txt to version from commit 070cc94"
  • If you decide not to keep the changes, use git restore --staged <file> to unstage, then git restore <file> to discard changes.


  • Use git show 070cc94:path/to/file.txt to preview a file’s content from a specific commit.
  • If you’re unsure about the exact commit, use git log -- path/to/file.txt to see the commit history for a specific file.

By following these steps, you can precisely restore individual files to their previous states without affecting the rest of your repository.

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