
Removing Unstaged Changes in Git

Removing Unstaged Changes in Git

The Challenge

You’ve made changes to your Git repository that you no longer want to keep. How can you effectively discard these unstaged modifications?

The Solution

Git provides a straightforward way to remove unstaged changes using the git restore command.

  1. Discard all unstaged changes in the current directory: To remove all unstaged modifications in your working directory and its subdirectories, use:
   git restore .

This command reverts all tracked files in the current directory and below to their last committed state.

  1. Discard changes for a specific file: If you want to discard changes for a particular file, specify its path:
   git restore path/to/file

This restores the specified file to its state in the last commit.

Important Notes:

  • These commands only affect tracked files. Untracked files (new files not yet added to Git) will not be affected.
  • Use these commands with caution, as the discarded changes cannot be recovered.
  • If you’re unsure about the changes you’re about to discard, you can first review them using git diff.

Alternative for older Git versions:

If you’re using an older version of Git that doesn’t support git restore, you can use git checkout instead:

  • For all files: git checkout -- .
  • For a specific file: git checkout -- path/to/file

By using these commands, you can quickly clean up your working directory and remove unwanted changes.

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