
Pushing a Local Branch to a Remote Repository in Git

Pushing a Local Branch to a Remote Repository in Git

The Problem

How can you push a new local branch to a remote Git repository with tracking, so that you can use git push and git pull seamlessly?

The Solution

To push a new local branch to a remote repository with tracking, follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Local Branch:
git checkout -b my-feature-branch
  1. Make Changes and Create a Commit:
git add --all git commit -m "Added a new feature."
  1. Push Your Commit with Tracking:
sh git push -u origin my-feature-branch

The -u (or --set-upstream) flag sets the upstream branch for the current local branch, enabling you to use git push and git pull without specifying the branch name in future commands.

Detailed Steps

Create a New Local Branch:
This command creates and switches to a new branch named my-feature-branch.

git checkout -b my-feature-branch

Make Changes and Create a Commit:
After making your desired changes, stage all the changes and commit them.

git add --all git commit -m "Added a new feature."

Push Your Commit with Tracking:
Push the new branch to the remote repository and set the upstream branch.

git push -u origin my-feature-branch

After executing these commands, the my-feature-branch branch will be pushed to the remote repository, and Git will set up tracking between your local branch and the remote branch. This means you can use git push and git pull without needing to specify the branch name in future interactions.

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