More from Huy Pham: Page 9

How to Create Dummy Data in Python – Data Analysis

How to Create Dummy Data in Python – Data Analysis

This tutorial explains various ways to create sample data in python using libraries like pandas and numpy for practice. 1. Enter Data Manually in Editor Window The first step is to load pandas package and use DataFrame function Output Note : Character values should be defined in single or double quotes. If you notice the […]

How to Import Data Into Python – Data Analysis

How to Import Data Into Python – Data Analysis

This tutorial explains the various methods to read data in Python including popular formats such as CSV, Text, Excel, SQL, SAS, Stata, and R Data. Loading data into the Python environment is the first step in any data analysis project. We will use the pandas package to import data into Python. If it’s not installed, […]

3 Ways to Install Python Package – Data Analysis

3 Ways to Install Python Package – Data Analysis

Python is the most popular programming language for a variety of tasks. The beauty of this language is that it is open-source which makes it freely available and benefits from a very active community of developers around the world. Python developers share their solutions as packages or modules with other python users. This tutorial explains […]

Python Data Structures – Data Analysis

Python Data Structures – Data Analysis

This post explains the data structures used in Python, along with examples. In python, there are many data structures available. They are as follows : String String is a sequence of characters. How to create a string in Python? You can create string using a single or double quote. Note : You can also use […]


Understanding dvh, lvh and svh in CSS

CSS provides several units to define the size of an element relative to the viewport. The most commonly used units are vh and vw. However, there are other viewport-relative units such as dvh, dvw, svh, svw, lvh, and lvw. These units are used to define the size of an element relative to the dynamic viewport, […]

CSS Viewport Units: vh, vw, vmin, and vmax

CSS Viewport Units: vh, vw, vmin, and vmax

In this article, we’ll look in detail at four handy length units that are relative to the browser viewport: vh, vw, vmin and vmax. These are truly “responsive length units” in the sense that their value changes every time the browser resizes, and they introduce incredibly useful options for sizing elements in CSS.

An Overview of CSS Sizing Units

An Overview of CSS Sizing Units

In this article, we’ll explore the four broad categories of CSS sizing units. We’ll look at what the sizing units are for, where they work best, and how to choose the best ones in each scenario, so that our layouts will be optimized across a range of media and device dimensions.

Remove empty line in VSCode

Remove empty line in VSCode

To remove empty lines in Visual Studio Code, you can use the built-in “Find and Replace” feature with a regular expression: This remove all empty lines from the file. The regular expression ^\s*$\n matches any line that contains only whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, etc.) and a line break. The ^ character matches the beginning of a line, \s* matches any amount […]

Monitoring and Ongoing Maintenance
Install WordPress on Ubuntu 22.04

Monitoring and Ongoing Maintenance

So you’ve followed our in-depth guide and built yourself a shiny new server that’s secure and tuned for optimal WordPress performance, but what’s next? In this step I’m going to outline a few tasks that should be carried out on a regular basis to ensure that your server continues to run securely and perform well. We’ll look […]