Command Line

How to Move, Rename Files and Directories in Linux

How to Move, Rename Files and Directories in Linux

The mv command is a powerful tool in Linux for moving and renaming files and directories. This guide will walk you through its usage and options to help you manage your files efficiently.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of the mv command is:


Common Use Cases

  1. Moving a file to a directory:
   mv file1 /tmp
  1. Renaming a file:
   mv oldname.txt newname.txt
  1. Moving a directory:
   mv dir1 dir2

Note: If dir2 exists, dir1 will be moved inside it. If not, dir1 will be renamed to dir2.

  1. Moving multiple files:
   mv file1 file2 file3 destination_directory
  1. Using pattern matching:
   mv *.pdf ~/Documents

Useful Options

  • -i: Prompt before overwriting
  • -f: Force overwrite without prompting
  • -n: Do not overwrite existing files
  • -b: Create a backup of overwritten files
  • -v: Verbose output (shows what’s being done)

Pro Tips

  1. Check for aliases: Some distributions alias mv to include certain options by default. Check with type mv.
  2. Permissions: Ensure you have write permissions on both source and destination to avoid errors.
  3. Overwriting read-only files: Use the -f option to override without prompts.
  4. Creating backups: The -b option creates backups with a tilde (~) appended to the filename.

Examples in Action

  1. Interactive move:
   mv -i important_file.txt /new/location/
  1. Moving with verbose output:
   mv -v *.jpg /home/user/Pictures/
  1. Moving and backing up:
   mv -b old_config.ini new_config.ini


The mv command is versatile and essential for file management in Linux. While it’s powerful, always use it carefully, especially when moving important files. For those new to the command line, most GUI file managers offer similar functionality with a more familiar interface.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Start with non-critical files until you’re comfortable with the command’s behavior.

Feel free to leave comments or questions below. Happy file moving!

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