
How to Handle Global Variables in TypeScript

How to Handle Global Variables in TypeScript

Hey there, fellow developers! Today, I want to share something that tripped me up when I first started using TypeScript: dealing with global variables. Specifically, I’m going to show you how to work with global variables that are defined outside your TypeScript code.

Let’s set the scene. Imagine you’re building a web app where you need to pass some data from your server-side code to your client-side TypeScript. A common way to do this is by using a global variable. Here’s what that might look like in your HTML:

  window.__INITIAL_DATA__ = {
    userID: "536891193569405430",

Simple enough, right? But here’s where it gets tricky. If you try to use this __INITIAL_DATA__ in your TypeScript file, you’ll run into an error:

// Error: Property '__INITIAL_DATA__' does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'
const initialData = window.__INITIAL_DATA__;

Don’t worry, though! I’ve got three ways to fix this, each with its own pros and cons.

Method 1: The Quick and Dirty – Type Assertion

The fastest way to make TypeScript stop complaining is to use a type assertion:

const initialData = (window as any).__INITIAL_DATA__;

This tells TypeScript, “Trust me, I know what I’m doing.” It’s quick, but it’s not very safe. You lose all type checking for initialData.

If you want to be a bit safer, you can define the shape of your data:

type InitialData = {
  userID: string;

const initialData = (window as any).__INITIAL_DATA__ as InitialData;

Now you can use initialData.userID safely. But remember, this doesn’t guarantee the data will actually be there at runtime!

Method 2: Declare a Global Variable

A more TypeScript-y way is to declare the global variable:

declare var __INITIAL_DATA__: InitialData;

const initialData = __INITIAL_DATA__;
// or
const initialData = window.__INITIAL_DATA__;

This tells TypeScript, “Hey, there’s going to be a variable called __INITIAL_DATA__ with this shape.”

Pro tip: If you’re using modules (files with import or export), you’ll need to use declare global:

declare global {
  var __INITIAL_DATA__: InitialData;

If you’re using this in multiple files, consider creating a globals.d.ts file to declare all your global variables in one place.

Method 3: Augment the Window Interface

The most TypeScript-native approach is to add your variable to the Window interface:

interface Window {
  __INITIAL_DATA__: InitialData;

const initialData = window.__INITIAL_DATA__;

This tells TypeScript that window should have an __INITIAL_DATA__ property.

Again, if you’re using modules, you’ll need:

declare global {
  interface Window {
    __INITIAL_DATA__: InitialData;

And there you have it! Three ways to handle global variables in TypeScript. Each has its place:

  1. Type assertions are quick but least safe.
  2. Declaring global variables is a good middle ground.
  3. Augmenting the Window interface is the most “correct” but requires a bit more setup.

Remember, TypeScript is here to help us catch errors, but it’s up to us to use it correctly. Happy coding!

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