

How can you undo an accidental merge in a local repository that has not yet been pushed to the remote? The Solution If the Merge Has Not Been Committed If the merge has not been committed (i.e., git merge was run without the –commit flag and git commit has not been executed since the merge), […]

Squashing Commits Together in Git

How can you squash multiple previous commits together into a single commit in a Git repository? You can squash multiple previous commits into a single commit using git reset and git merge –squash. Here’s how to do it: Detailed Steps and Commands Summary By following these steps, you can effectively squash multiple commits into a […]

Providing a Username and Password for Git Operations Over SSH

The Problem When performing Git operations over HTTPS, you can embed the username and password directly into the URL. However, this method does not work for SSH URLs. How can you provide authentication details for SSH Git remotes? The Solution For SSH Git remotes, the authentication is handled differently compared to HTTPS. Most modern Git […]

Pulling vs. Fetching in Git

What is the difference between git pull and git fetch? git fetch git pull Detailed Differences git fetch git pull Summary By understanding the differences between git fetch and git pull, you can better manage how and when you integrate changes from a remote repository into your local work.

Deleting a Commit from a Branch in Git

The Problem How can you delete a commit from your branch history in Git? The Solution You can delete one or more recent commits from the current branch in a local repository using the git reset command. If the commit has already been pushed to a remote repository, you’ll need to force-push the changes to […]

Cloning a Specific Git Repository Branch

The Problem How can you clone a specific branch of a Git repository? Is there a way to only download that branch? The Solution You can clone a specific branch of a repository by using the git clone command with the -b (or –branch) flag. Additionally, if you only want to fetch that particular branch, […]

Creating a Remote Branch in Git

The Problem How can you push a newly created branch in your local Git repository to a remote repository? The Solution You can push the new local branch to the remote repository by using the -u or –set-upstream flag with the git push command. This sets up the tracking relationship between your local branch and […]

Removing Untracked Files from the Working Tree in Git

The Problem How can you remove untracked local files from your Git repository’s working tree? The Solution You can use the git clean command to remove untracked files. Since this is a destructive operation, it is advisable to perform a dry run first to review what will be deleted. Dry Run to Review Untracked Files: […]